Non fiction short stories by Magnus

These stories are true stories that has happend to me, me and my wife Veronica or to me and friends.
Some happend 15 years ago in Australia or New Zeeland and some are more recent. My intention is to
continue to put stories on here. I do not claim to have a great knowledge of writing and since most
of them will be in English, which is not my native language, I'm sure there are plenty of mistakes.
Anyway, hope you like them!

Stan Olsen at Kawakawa bowling club

Hitch hiking with a joint smoking kiwi

Visiting the pretty village of Clovelly

Almost driving around Australia in a 1978 Ford Falcon

Melbourne to Sydney - The Road Trip

The Pub in Yalgoo

Colour coding in Marylebone

Göteborgs Kulturklenoder - Stulna?

Hamnpolisen Kjell Andersson i Hunnebostrand

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